Summer Scenes’ Glass Prints are a talking point wherever they hang. We consider Glass Prints to be the premium product to showcase our photos, due to their modern frameless look and their unrivalled ability to bring stills to life, through their depth, clarity and enhanced contrast and colour. Whether it’s a beach photo, a sunrise photo, a sunset photo or a simple sandy landscape - the finished product is unrivalled.

Our Glass Photo Prints sit approximately 17mms off the wall - providing beautiful sleek lines - and the rear mounting system is fully concealed. They are almost completely immune from UV fading and are scratch resistant

They bring any room to life - whether it’s at home - or at work.

Our Glass Photo Prints vary in size from 60cm x 40cm - right through to our magnificent 230cm x 150cm product. We also offer custom sizes on request

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The Glass Prints Production Process:

At Summer Scenes, the Glass Prints production process begins at our printers, where we use only the highest standard professional grade inks to bring our photos to life on the finest quality photographic paper available. This is then mounted directly onto the back of ultra clear, toughened 6mm glass. The finish is glossy, vibrant and the colours truly pop out at you.

All of our Glass Prints have beautifully bevelled edges to complete a stylish, modern and frameless finish.

There is simply not a product in the world that compares to our Glass Prints - in both quality - and appearance!

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Glass Prints Installation:

Each Summer Scenes Glass Print comes with it's own fully concealed mounting system and a full set of instructions for Do-It-Yourselfers. Anyone who’s hung a picture before, will easy adapt to the process. You simply attach the provided timber mainstay to the wall - and then slot the timber attachment at the back of the print onto it. Once hung, there is no need for any ongoing maintenance.

Some of our clients though prefer the ease and peace of mind of using services such as Hire A Hubby and Airtasker, to hang their prints for them. As the process only takes around ten minutes, this is not an expensive option.

Click to view AIRTASKER

Click to view HIRE A HUBBY

The benefits of Glass Prints:

Glass Prints are a far superior product to their rival - Acrylic Mounted Prints - for a number of reasons;

  • They are resistant to cleaning scratches and are therefor a breeze to keep looking shiny and new!

  • They are 100 percent flat and therefor not prone to bending and warping

  • They are almost completely immune to UV light damage and therefor much more fade resistant.

  • They are much stronger and more durable

  • They are more stylish, modern and look way more sophisticated. They bring any room to life and because they are a relatively new photography format, they’ve become a real talking point wherever they hang.

Any Questions about our Glass Prints?

Should you have any questions about our Glass Print range - or any requests for a Custom Size Glass Print - drop us a line anytime by clicking on the link below!

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